Hope’s current council, elected October 2018 - Mayor Peter Robb and councillors Victor Smith, Scott Medlock, Dusty Smith, Craig Traun, Heather Stewin, and Bob Erickson. (Hope.ca)

Hope’s current council, elected October 2018 - Mayor Peter Robb and councillors Victor Smith, Scott Medlock, Dusty Smith, Craig Traun, Heather Stewin, and Bob Erickson. (Hope.ca)

Hope council to talk development, solid waste at marathon meetings Monday night

Public hearing starts at 6:30 p.m., followed by council and committee - all livestreamed on Facebook

  • Jun. 7, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The District of Hope is preparing for a marathon meeting session Monday, with several housing developments and a draft waste management bylaw on the agenda.

With the reality of COVID-19 restrictions on gathering and physical distancing, council meetings are instead being live-streamed on the district’s Facebook page – with council now appearing via videoconferencing system Zoom. Monday starts with a 6:30 p.m. public hearing into a developer’s plans for 21088 Lakeview Crescent, followed by a council meeting and a committee of the whole meeting.

Here is some of what is on the council agenda:

  • Hope’s chief administrative officer John Fortoloczky will report to council about possibly extending the patios for Wallace Street cafes and restaurants, which Mayor Peter Robb requested the district look into.
  • Council will also look at adopting plans to rezone parcels of land at 64295 and 64231 Flood Hope Road. The developer, Welder Engineering, has plans to build a “multifaceted development consisting of compact single family dwellings, multiple family dwellings and a hotel, motel or motor inn and restaurant,” 2019 council documents stated. The rezoning has gone through three readings and a public hearing, in 2019, and is now up for adoption at Monday’s meeting.
  • Kellton Contracting’s plans to rezone a lot at 607 Willow Street, to accomodate two homes on the property, will be going to councillors for a third reading. A public hearing on these plans took place June 3.
  • Council will also be doing a third reading and voting on whether to adopt the rezoning request for 21088 Lakeview Crescent, following on the public hearing earlier Monday evening.

Monday’s committee of the whole meeting, following the council meeting, will among other items discuss the draft solid waste management bylaw. Councillors previously voiced issues with the bylaw as drafted, including concerns about the set out and set back times for waste bins, the bylaw officer’s power to enter properties as well as wording around managing wildlife attractants.

Read more: Back to the drawing board for Hope’s solid waste bylaw

Committee of the whole meetings are held to discuss various matters ahead of bringing those matters to council. No readings or adoption of items take place at these meetings.

Documents pertaining to the public hearing, the council meeting and the committee of the whole meeting:  

Public hearing – 21088 Lakeview Crescent (note: a document package related to the hearing will be published here, ahead of the meeting)

Council – Meeting agenda

Committee of the whole – Meeting agenda

emelie.peacock@hopestandard.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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