About 80 demonstrators walked through Hope with signs in support of saving the Station House on March 23, 2021. (Photo/Christian Ward)

Hope council to vote on heritage designation of old train station building

Hope Station House still facing demolition, as council set to make important decision

Will anyone on Hope’s municipal council have had a change of heart about the historic Hope Station House?

That will be seen on Tuesday night, when mayor and council will face a third reading of bylaw repeal that will remove the building’s heritage status. Two weeks ago, a public hearing was held so that council could listen to more feedback regarding the repeal.

Most who spoke or wrote in were against the repeal, including Christian and Erica Ward, who have arguably been the most vocal about saving the building. They are also listed as delegates at this council meeting, to present options to council on the use of the building.

The Hope Station House was given its heritage designation on July 8, 1982 by the council of the day. At that time, it was on different land. It now sits on Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure land. It needs to be moved as per an agreement between the ministry and the District of Hope.

Council has said there isn’t enough money to move and preserve the building for future use, and has been moving forward to demolish it.

There are others, including the Wards, imploring council to save it from the wrecking ball and use it in future planning on a different site.

For coverage on the meeting, watch this website.

READ MORE: ‘Honk for history’ say supporters of Hope Station House

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