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Hope experiencing its highest COVID case count during pandemic

Local case rate more than doubles in one week, as vaccination rates remain low

Hope has seen a sharp increase in COVID-19 infections this week.

The BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) reports rates per 100,000 every week for local health areas. Last week in Hope that number was 13. This week’s case rate is up to 44.

It is by far the biggest increase in the Fraser Health authority. Most other communities hovered around a steady rate. For example, Surrey increased from 8 to 9 cases per 100,000.

Agassiz and Harrison also showed an increase, although not as dramatic, increasing from 16 to 27 cases per 100,000.

Vaccination rates

Hope’s vaccination numbers continue to be the lowest in the Fraser Valley, but also are continuing to increase week over week.

New numbers were released by the BCCDC on Sept. 8 for vaccination rates and COVID-19 case numbers, broken down in weekly stats for each local health authority.

When looking at how many people are fully vaccinated, ages 12 and over, Hope is now at 64 per cent. Mission is at 67 per cent and Chilliwack is at 68 per cent. Delta continues to have the highest rate in the Fraser Health region, at 84 per cent.

Many are concerned about vaccination rates among teenagers now that school is back, but with fewer protocols for controlling the spread of disease. The BCCDC breaks down the numbers for those ages 12 to 17.

In Hope, vaccination rates for teenagers (two doses) has jumped from 31 per cent to 38 per cent in four weeks. But the rate is still much lower than the second lowest in the Fraser Health region; Chilliwack is sitting at 50 per cent fully vaccinated for the same age group.

Peace River South is the lowest vaccinated community, at 48 per cent for all eligible for a vaccine. The Central Coast has the highest vaccination rate, at 89 per cent.

A report from the province says that people under the age of 30 are leading in shots this week.

READ MORE: Nearly 600K people access B.C. vaccine card in first 24 hours after soft launch

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Hope Standard