Violet Burkey, 5, has a healthy snack after running and walking five kilometres in the Terry Fox Run with her family in Williams Lake Sunday. The day saw 54 volunteers assist with providing three run routes, check points and snacks for more than 110 participants hosted at the Seniors Activity Centre.

Violet Burkey, 5, has a healthy snack after running and walking five kilometres in the Terry Fox Run with her family in Williams Lake Sunday. The day saw 54 volunteers assist with providing three run routes, check points and snacks for more than 110 participants hosted at the Seniors Activity Centre.

Hope kept alive during Williams Lake Terry Fox Run

A dedicated group of volunteers and participants gathered Sunday morning outside the Seniors Activity Centre in Williams Lake.

A dedicated group of volunteers and participants gathered Sunday morning outside the Seniors Activity Centre to keep the dream of Terry Fox alive in Williams Lake.

“This is the 36th year, and I’ve been at every one,” said a smiling Sandi Middleton as she signed up for the event, aimed at raising money for cancer research.

“Terry Fox is our family hero.”

Middleton’s happiness turned to sorrow, however, as she shared with the Tribune her experience of losing her husband two years ago to the disease. “Cancer has touched everyone.”

So much more than just another run, organizer Sheila Wyse said she’s always struck by the dedication of participants and volunteers.

“It’s pretty amazing and that’s because of Terry. People really want to remember Terry Fox.”

Seniors Ron and Anne Williams, who completed the five-kilometre route, have also been taking part in the Terry Fox Run since the beginning.

“I want to see a cure for cancer,” Ron said of why he participates. Ron organized the first Terry Fox Runs at schools throughout the district as a principal.

All told, 114 participants and volunteers raised more than $2,800 from Sunday’s run.

School students and staff will continue to honour the legacy of Terry Fox with runs planned through the month of September.

Williams Lake Tribune