Olympic medalist Brent Hayden teaches technique to young swimmers at the Dan Sharrers Aquatic Centre in 2017. Lessons are not yet available at the pool, which is going through a phased opening approach due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Black Press file photo)

Hope pool re-opening in phases

Public and length swim available by reservation

  • Dec. 18, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Hope’s pool is reopening in phases, starting with length and public swim available as of Dec. 7.

The opening of the Dan Sharrers aquatic centre is part of the phased approach to the opening of the recreation centre, which has been ongoing since late summer. Available as of early December are the weight and cardio rooms as well as length and public swimming.

The Hope arena is also open, by reservation, to user groups.

Face coverings are mandatory in the facility, staff said in a Youtube video walking through the new regulations, and use of masks while working out is encouraged but not mandatory.

People are recommended to arrive five to 10 minutes before their workout or swim session as they will be greeted at the front doors, asked COVID-19 related questions, asked to sanitize their hands and sign in at the front desk.

Pool sessions, as well as weight and cardio sessions need to be booked in advance either online or by calling the rec centre.

People should arrive both swim and workout ready, as there is limited access to lockers and change rooms. Requests for lockers should be made at the front desk before people enter the pool area. Changing room showers won’t be available, but deck showers will be available.

People are asked to bring minimal equipment to their sessions as cubby space is also limited.

Those who are doing both weight and a cardio room sessions on the same day will need to exit the facility after their first session then re-enter the facility for the next session.

The aquatic centre, in phase 1, will eventually transition through phases two to four which will entail the opening of the leisure pool, then the restart of swim and aquafit lessons and finally the opening of the hot tub, sauna and steam room. There are no specified dates for when the second through fourth stages will begin, and the phased re-opening all depends on the public health regulations in place at the time.

The rec centre is open 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, for questions call 604-869-2304 or visit fvrd.ca/recreation.

Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email:emelie.peacock@hopestandard.com

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