(John Cairns/University of Oxford via AP, File)

Hope recovers from brief spike in COVID cases

COVID case rate drops after hitting all-time high last week

Hope’s COVID-19 case rate dropped way down over the past week, after a spike the week prior.

For the reporting period of Sept. 7 to 13, Hope’s case rate was down to 16 from 44. Case rates are based on a population of 100,000.

Mission, Chilliwack and Agassiz/Harrison have higher case rates this week, at 21, 25 and 52 respectively.

Hope residents are also continuing to get vaccinated. For all people 12 and up, at least 73 per cent now have had at least one dose, and 65 per cent are fully vaccinated. For children ages 12 to 17, 53 per cent have had one dose, and 40 per cent are fully vaccinated.

Delta continues to be the community in Fraser Health with the highest vaccination rate at 85 per cent for those eligible, but several communities are catching up, including New Westminster, Tri-Cities and Burnaby.

The case rates and vaccination progress data is release every Wednesday by the B.C. Centre for Disease Control.

READ MORE: Hope experiencing its highest COVID case count during pandemic

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Hope Standard