Hormone expert to speak at WOW conference

The Sparkling Hill Spa Resort will host 10th annual Women Of Worth conference on March 8.

Women can finally find out how to stop the needless aggravation of out-of-balance hormones.

Brenda Eastwood, a registered nurse and author, will be just one of the world-class keynote speakers on Empowered Leadership at the 10th annual Women Of Worth Conference on March 8  (International Women’s Day), 9 a.m to 5 p.m.,   at the spectacular Sparkling Hill Spa Resort.

Having suffered her own past challenges, including infertility and premature menopause at the early age of 32, Eastwood is now a hormone virtuoso.

Drawing on over 30 years of experience, she knows what works and what doesn’t.  Her best-selling book, “Get Off The PMS and Perimenopausal Roller Coaster: Learn 9 Natural Fast Track Solutions to Balanced Hormones,” maps out step-by-step solutions for eliminating symptoms like painful periods, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, unjustified weight gain, skin problems, premature aging and more.

”You can’t fix a problem with the wrong tools,” says Eastwood. “If you’re tired of confusing, complicated and contradictory opinions, you’ll appreciate how I explain hormones in an easy to understand, lively and often humorous way.”

Joining her on stage for the conference will be:

•  From Vernon,  Woman of the Year and SUN-FM’s  Betty Selin, world champion Leah Goldstein, and the  musical trio The Dharma Dolls.

•  From Kelowna, award-winning humorist Linda Edgecombe, Rose Backman, and restauranteur Rose Sexsmith, who operates Rose’s Waterfront Pub & Hanna’s Lounge.

•  From Vancouver, leadership guru and Kindness Foundation director Olivia McIvor and WOW founder Christine Awram.

Those who attend WOW also have an opportunity to find out about their charitable project, in association with Kelowna-based IWEN.  Awram states, “Young girls are rescued from slavery and given educational scholarships and micro-financing in Nepal.  This grassroots project has been wildly successful, and our global sisters are reclaiming their rightful place as Women Of Worth.”

For more details and to receive earlybird registration savings until midnight Feb. 18, go to http://www.theWOWevent.com.

Kelowna Capital News