This model sets out how the Arts Centre will look. Photo, HIAC website

This model sets out how the Arts Centre will look. Photo, HIAC website

Hornby Island Arts Centre holds project update and social event

Organizers hope to start process of taking project bids by the spring

  • Feb. 8, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Hornby Island Arts Council started 2019 with $175,000 for a fund toward a new arts centre for the community.

One year later, they had rounded up more than a million dollars in matched funding.

The organizers are making a final push to raise funds for the centre, as they seek private and corporate donations.

“We are seeking out private donations, business donations and corporate donations from bodies that wish to see the arts on Hornby Island thrive. This includes both targeted and general requests to those who understand the value of the arts,” said executive director Andrew Mark.

Last year, they raised $1.2 million in matched funding from all levels of government. During the fundraising drive starting in the latter part of 2019, they raised more than $70,000, with donations ranging from $25 up to $15,000. The goal is to find another $115,000 from businesses and private donors.

The community, and anyone interested, can find out more about the campaign during an annual social event on Feb. 21 at which time organizers will update people on the story behind the campaign and some of its key milestones.

RELATED STORY: Hornby Island gets ready to build Arts Centre

The event takes place at the Sea Breeze Lodge and will also serve as an opportunity to unveil the program for the Hornby Island Film Festival, which takes place March 27-29. Advance passes will be available. There will also be an improv performance and snacks at the event.

This marks the third year for the February Social.

“It’s a wet, cold, and dark time of year, and often a time when islanders need something warm, collective and dramatic to enjoy. We seek membership renewal, solicit feedback on our activities, we offer a performance, we roll out the film festival program and we start selling advance passes,” Mark says. “This year we will celebrate the 20 years of work that have gone into the effort of building an arts centre, including a status report on where we are now.”

The planned arts centre is described as the same scale as a “large” house. The main part of the centre will be a 2,750-square foot purpose-built space for exhibition and programming.

Organizers are finalizing the pre-construction phase, with the aim of calling for bids in the spring. The plan is to complete construction within a year and be ready for a grand opening in the summer of 2021.

For more information or to make donations, see

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Comox Valley Record