Horse found a way to escape from its North Saanich pen

Owner was able to corral the horse before police arrived.

  • Mar. 16, 2017 8:00 a.m.
Horse found a way to escape from its North Saanich pen

Runaway Horse

On the morning of March 11, 2017, Sidney North Saanich RCMP officers received a report of a horse running loose in the area of McTavish Road and Highway 17 in North Saanich.

When the police officer attended the area, he found that the horse had already been corralled by its owner. The owner explained that his horse had figured out how to open the latch mechanism on the gate, which resulted in the horse making his escape.

The owner has since taken steps to secure the gate more effectively, which should foil any further attempts at escape.

— Sidney North Saanich RCMP

Peninsula News Review