Therisa Capoose, 65, receives her COVID-19 moderna vaccine from public health nurse Kendra Taylor at the Williams Lake Health Clinic on Wednesday, March 24. (Monica Lamb-Yorski photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Horsefly to get more COVID-19 clinic dates, IH confirms

Residents trying to book Thursday, March 25 were told it was all booked

Horsefly residents who unsuccessfully tried to book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment by calling Thursday, March 25, will be relieved to learn more vaccine clinics are being added.

An Interior Health media spokesperson confirmed in an e-mail Thursday afternoon that more clinics will be added in Horsefly and that Horsefly and Big Lake residents can call in for an appointment to the main number — 1-877-740-7747.

“Tatla Lake and Alexis Creek health unit staff will call residents and make appointments directly with them.”

Interior Health also said there is ample vaccine, enough for everyone who wants one.

Interior Health announced that Horsefly is one of four communities in the Cariboo-Chilcotin where the vaccine will be offered to residents 18 years because of smaller populations, distance to a large centre or remote location.

Read more: Alexis Creek, Big Lake, Horsefly, Tatla Lake get COVID-19 vaccine clinics for those 18 and up

There are no walk-in appointments and residents are asked to call 1-877-740-7747 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., seven days a week to book an appointment.

Read more: B.C.’s rising COVID-19 infection rate hits 800 for Thursday

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