Hospital foundation welcomes new president

Health care: Organization helped purchase $400,000 worth of new equipment this year.

Doug Murray, new foundation president

Doug Murray, new foundation president

The times (and the faces) they are a’changing at the Shuswap Hospital Foundation.

In his last meeting as president, longtime board member Joe Johnson gave his annual report and welcomed new president Doug Murray, who was elected at the foundation’s Sept. 10 AGM.

Murray is a financial advisor with CIBC with over 30 years experience in financial services.

Johnson called the past year one of transition with  the retirement of Eugene Casavant and Duncan Myers.

“Both of these individuals were the driving force behind the foundation and were key to the success of the foundation,” he said, noting Fiona Harris has done an admirable job of taking on the challenge of running the foundation with excellent support from office manager Diana Walker.

In the course of the past year, the foundation has facilitated the upgrade of the CT scanner, the purchase of the infant isolette unit and many other smaller equipment purchases.

The foundation has helped fund equipment for both the Sorrento Health Centre and the Shuswap Hospice Society.

“All in all, the Shuswap Hospital Foundation has helped purchase over $400,000 worth of equipment in the past year, to help provide quality health care for residents of the area,” Johnson said.

“None of the work of the Shuswap Hospital Foundation would be possible without our amazingly generous supporters, which continually amaze me with their willingness to dig deep into their pockets throughout the year.”

Stepping down from her long-held place on the board is Addie Williams, whom Johnson describes as always willing to help out and keen to be involved.

Johnson also passed on his thanks to Adele Ainsworth, hospital auxiliary rep to the foundation, “who has worked tirelessly to build an excellent working relationship between the auxiliary and the foundation.”

Also lauded was Kathryn Vennard, who was instrumental in getting the Care to Share Program off the ground.

Moving into a new year of raising funds and profile, the foundation will benefit from your sweet tooth.

Until Sunday, Sept. 21, proceeds from all Smile Cookies purchased at Tim Hortons will be donated to the Shuswap Hospital Foundation.

To date the amount donated from Smile Cookie sales has topped $30,000.



Salmon Arm Observer