Eleven year old Leila Bui is in serious condition. The family and doctors hope to move her to B.C. Children’s Hospital once her brain swelling reduces. GoFundMe photo

Eleven year old Leila Bui is in serious condition. The family and doctors hope to move her to B.C. Children’s Hospital once her brain swelling reduces. GoFundMe photo

Hospitalized Ash Road victim Leila Bui still fighting

11-year-old vicitm struck by car on Dec. 20 remains in serious condition

Eleven-year-old Arbutus Global middle school student Leila Bui remains in serious condition at Victoria General Hospital since she was struck by a Mercedes SUV on Dec. 20 while trying to cross Ash Road.

Bui was lying unconscious on the road when B.C. Ambulance Service rushed her to VGH where she underwent emergency surgery. She was then kept in an induced coma to reduce swelling, particularly in her brain.

She was believed to be crossing at the crosswalk to wait on the other side of the street for a regular pickup for a ride to school.

The family released an update on Monday.

“Leila is still fighting. It’s been a challenge to try to balance efforts to stabilize her brain swelling and pressure, while at the same time treating other issues that come up. We are waiting for her swelling to stop in order to safely transfer her to B.C. Children’s Hospital in Vancouver. The doctors, nurses and medical staff at VGH have been amazing and we cannot thank them enough for their care of Leila.

“We are just overwhelmed with all the love and support during this extremely difficult time. We are floored by the generosity of the community through GoFundMe. Please accept our gratitude for all those who contributed.

“Thank you also to all our friends and neighbours who have dropped off meals, treats, cards, and those who have come by to show their love for Leila. It means so much to us as our family continues to be with her and hold on to hope. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.”

A pair of GoFundMe pages have been set up, bringing in more than $29,000 in donations for the Bui family.

Saanich Police Sgt. Jereme Leslie said the investigation is still active with a number of officers involved.

“Once the evidence is collected we’d look at what [if any] charges would be appropriate and forward anything to Crown counsel for approval.”

The intersection is scheduled to be reviewed at the Administrative Traffic Committee meeting this month.


Saanich News