Engine 8, the newest addition to the Sicamous Fire Department’s fleet. (Vivian Ogino photo)

House near Sicamous a total loss following fire

Location on a narrow dirt road hampered firefighting efforts but the blaze didn't spread

A fire on Friday, March 19 destroyed a house in the Cambie Solsqua area, but the Sicamous Fire Department was able to stop it from spreading to surrounding trees and structures.

Fire Chief Brett Ogino said firefighters were called to an address northeast of Sicamous and found the large two-storey house there fully engulfed by the time they arrived about 9 p.m. Ogino said firefighting efforts were complicated by the house’s position approximately one kilometre up a switchbacked dirt road. The road access and the tree cover limited the number of vehicles and firefighters that could be put into action against the blaze at any one time.

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Ogino said crews stopped the fire from spreading to the surrounding forest and also worked to stop it from reaching propane tanks, stored firewood and other sources of fuel on the property.

When the blaze was out, Ogino said it became clear the house was a total loss. He said an investigation of the fire was completed but no cause could be conclusively identified.

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