Housing First researcher at Chilliwack health forum

The links between public health and public safety will be discussed a public forum on mental health and addictions May 26 in Chilliwack.

The links between public health and public safety will be discussed a special public forum on mental health and addictions May 26 in Chilliwack.

Chilliwack Healthier Community is getting ready for its Annual Public Forum, with this year’s theme, Mental Illness, Substance Use, and Crime:  Treatment and Prevention.

Dr. Julian Somers, research lead for the ‘At Home’ study conducted in Vancouver on mental health and homelessness, will be talking about the effectiveness of the ‘Housing First’ approach.

‘Housing First’ ensures people are provided with a place to live and then offered recovery-oriented services that best meet their needs.

The forum will focus on best practices and what that means for Chilliwack, including insight into the effectiveness of the much-touted “Housing First” approach.

Chilliwack Healthier Community is a network of 42 local partners focused on affordable/accessible housing, mental health, public safety and healthy lifestyles. Partners include government, community agencies, law enforcement and business.

As lead investigator, Dr. Somers will present findings from the ‘At Home Study’ and research connecting public safety with mental health.

Dr. Somers directs the Somers Research Group at Simon Fraser University.  He and his team have led provincial and multi-jurisdictional programs in the areas of telehealth, primary healthcare reform, homelessness, and the justice system for 12 years.

The forum is May 26, registration 6:30 p.m. with the presentation 7 p.m. at Rotary Hall in the Chilliwack Cultural Centre. Admission is free.

See more at chilliwackhealthiercommunity.ca

Chilliwack Progress