Houston Secondary School

Houston Secondary School

Houston Secondary gets a new roof

Forecast to have a 25-year life

  • Mar. 18, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Houston Secondary School is getting a new roof this year as part of a province-wide series of renovation-related projects announced by the education ministry.

The anticipated cost is $367,014 and bid documents are now being prepared with the work going out to tender next month, reports School District 54 secretary-treasurer Dave Margerm.

A start date of July 1 is being scheduled with work to be done by the end of August.

The school’s roof was last replaced in 2002 and its replacement has been on the school district’s capital project’s ‘to do’ list.

Margerm said the new roof will also feature improved insulation with the expectation this will reduce the school district’s energy consumption.

The planned life of the new roof is 25 years.

The school district is also getting $800,000 for a complete upgrade of the heating and ventilation system at the shop space at Smithers Secondary School in Smithers.

“The ventilation upgrade will result in cleaner, better circulated air for the staff and students,” said Margerm.

The province is providing $217.7 million to school districts across the province for renovations, maintenance and other expenditures to improve the quality of school structures.

Houston Today