Hundreds of ready-to-cook meal kits from Hello Fresh are being handed out at no charge to folks in need. (Kathleen Mosa)

Hundreds of ready-to-cook meal kits from Hello Fresh are being handed out at no charge to folks in need. (Kathleen Mosa)

Hundreds of free meal kits being handed out today in Chilliwack to those in need

Refrigerated ready-to-cook kits for seniors and those who couldn’t make it to grocery stores

Hundreds of free, ready-to-cook meal kits are being handed out in Chilliwack today to those in need.

A donation of about 500 kits, which will make a total of about 1,500 meals, came in from Hello Fresh on Thursday, Nov. 18.

Connections were made and Hello Fresh was put in touch with Wilma’s Transition Society who will be handing out the kits.

They’re giving them to folks who really need them, such as seniors and people who have not been able to make it to the grocery store, said Jayme Clifford of Wilma’s.

Recent panic buying in Chilliwack and other parts of the Fraser Valley has resulted in empty shelves of produce, dairy and meat at local grocery stores.

READ MORE: Anxious Chilliwack shoppers empty grocery store shelves

“One semi truck made it through,” Clifford said.

The truck arrived in Chilliwack late Thursday morning with hundreds of refrigerated ready-to-cook meals on board.

Those who need a meal kit can stop by the old Sears parking lot (front entrance by Luckakuck Way) from 1 p.m. onward today (Thursday, Nov. 18). They will be handed out on a first-come-first-served basis.

There may be another truck arriving in the coming days, but they do not have confirmation of that yet.


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