Hunt to serve parole off island

A Tlell man banished from Skidegate pleads guilty to charges and is ordered to stay off island for duration of parole after sentence served

  • Feb. 5, 2016 7:00 a.m.

Tlell resident Brendan Hunt has plead guilty to several charges related to incidents that led to his banishment from Skidegate in December.

Charges were laid after several incidents in the community, where witnesses said he was threatening and assaulting residents of Skidegate.

Mr. Hunt plead guilty to six separate charges and was sentenced to 60 days in jail and an 18 months probation, which includes the rare order to stay off the Haida Gwaii archipelago for the full duration.

Charges included uttering threats, mischief, assault and failing to keep the peace. Mr. Hunt’s probation also came with a five year firearms prohibition.

Skidegate Band leaders allege Mr. Hunt instigated several confrontations with members, including one caught on surveillance video, where Mr. Hunt is said to be breaking a vehicle’s window with a sledge hammer.

“The banishment was for our public’s safety and his own safety,” Skidegate’s Chief Councillor Billy Yovanovich said previously. “There were several incidents that have lead to this … our membership safety is always paramount.”


Haida Gwaii Observer