Chantelle Bartsch, hunter and conservationist, cradles a fawn that was hit by a car earlier in July.

Chantelle Bartsch, hunter and conservationist, cradles a fawn that was hit by a car earlier in July.

Hunter cradles fawn that was hit by car in Campbell River

Chantelle Bartsch cradled a fawn on the side of the road as she waited for the RCMP and Conservation Officers to arrive on scene earlier this month.

Chantelle Bartsch cradled a fawn on the side of the road as she waited for the RCMP and Conservation Officers to arrive on scene earlier this month.

She was driving by when she saw the fawn had been hit by a car.

“I’ve never been able to leave a fawn at the side of the road,” she said.

The bystanders had called for help already, but had left the baby on the hot concrete. Bartsch scooped him up and cradled him in the shade until the officers arrived.

She said she managed to calm him down and cool him off, but knew his back was broken because his hind legs weren’t moving.

“As a hunter, as a conservationist…I had tears in my eyes,” she said.

The fawn was put down when the RCMP and the Conservation Officer arrived on the scene.

Had it survived Bartsch said she would have taken it to MARS, as she has with many other fawns that she has found on the side of the road.

Though she wouldn’t normally advocate for people to touch wildlife, in this case Bartsch said she felt it was the best thing to do for the suffering animal.

Bartsch figures the animals were in town looking for food when the fawn was hit by a car and reminded people to put fences around their gardens and pick up the fruit that falls from their fruit trees to help keep the animals away.

Campbell River Mirror