Hurtful comment found on school door

School officials are hunting for the person who scrawled a nasty message about a student on a door at Nanaimo District Secondary School

  • Nov. 11, 2011 2:00 p.m.

School officials are looking for the person who scrawled a nasty message about a student on a door at Nanaimo District Secondary School this week.

Donna Reimer, district spokeswoman, said school staff found a homophobic message mentioning a specific student scrawled on the window in a classroom door Tuesday morning. Staff quickly scrubbed the message off after taking a picture.

“They think it happened during the last class on Monday,” she said. “It wasn’t a threat or anything like that – it was a slur, a hurtful thing to say.”

This type of behaviour is unacceptable and if the culprit is found, he or she will be disciplined, said Reimer.

“Any time that someone says something that is a slur or hurtful … if it’s drawn to our attention, we’ll deal with it,” she said.

The district did not contact police because it wasn’t vandalizing or a threat so much as a hate message incident, Reimer added.

She said NDSS staff are surprised by the incident and told her this type of behaviour is not common at the school.

“The school feels it has quite an accepting and supportive student body,” said Reimer.

A school counsellor was asked to check on the student targeted by the offensive message.

Nanaimo News Bulletin