Volunteers are kept busy preparing a dinner as part of the Stone Soup initiative. More than 50 people attended the inaugural event, which allowed people to share ideas and stories about homelessness.

Volunteers are kept busy preparing a dinner as part of the Stone Soup initiative. More than 50 people attended the inaugural event, which allowed people to share ideas and stories about homelessness.

Ideas exchanged at Stone Soup dinner

In Mission, government, citizens, businesses and community groups are acting together to to reduce homelessness.

About 50 people came out to the first in a series of monthly Stone Soup dinners.

The event, held Thursday, Nov. 5 at Mission’s All-Saints Church, brought people together to share a meal, stories and ideas, as well as to learn about the Stone Soup Initiative.

The Stone Soup Initiative draws its inspiration from the old tale that tells the story of how something great for everyone can be created if we all just contribute a little bit.

In Mission, government, citizens, businesses and community groups have been inspired by the story, and are acting together to enact 35 different community actions meant to reduce homelessness.

Paul Horn, one of the project’s leaders, said the inaugural dinner has to be considered a success.

“It went really well. I think a lot of people reported afterwards that it was reaffirming that we live in a community that’s just very motivated to help each other and to do something about the problem of homelessness. It was a great kick-off,” said Horn.

The evening provided an opportunity to exchange ideas. Horn said it was a chance for people who live with the experience of homelessness to communicate to agencies and government about what they need and what their reality is.

“It’s about building relationships. It’s about having people get to know their neighbours and organically finding ways to help each other and to partner with each other.”

The next dinner will take place in early December. The date has not yet been set.

Anyone who want to help can call Horn at 604-897-0239 or look for the Stone Soup Facebook page.


Mission City Record