Identity, credit card theft investigation continues

Saanich police look into identity theft, credit card fraud after making multiple arrests

A slew of fake credit cards, credit card numbers, and stolen electronics were recovered as part of an ongoing Saanich police investigation into an identity theft ring.

Four men were arrested on the weekend, when a store owner chased three of the men out of his Uptown shop after they attempted to steal the PIN pad.

Sgt. Dean Jantzen says the men successfully defrauded many retailers in Greater Victoria out of thousands of dollars by convincing clerks to forgo using the secure credit card chip technology.

Nicholas Lakomy, 32; Domingos Usseni, 40; Rodney Boucher, 32; and David Dang, 24, face multiple charges, including identity theft and possession of stolen instruments used to forge credit cards.

Saanich News