LILLIAN MOYER, who was arrested at Telegraph Creek during a blockade against Shell drilling in the Klappan in 2005 and 2006, speaks to the crowd at the Idle No More protest at George Little Park earlier tonight, Jan. 28.

LILLIAN MOYER, who was arrested at Telegraph Creek during a blockade against Shell drilling in the Klappan in 2005 and 2006, speaks to the crowd at the Idle No More protest at George Little Park earlier tonight, Jan. 28.

Idle No More protestors speak up in Terrace

THE IDLE No More protests took to George Little Park tonight as speakers stood up to make their voices heard.

  • Jan. 28, 2013 8:00 a.m.

THE IDLE No More protests took centre stage at George Little Park tonight as speakers and those who came out stood up to make their voices heard.

Martin Adams said First Nations all over the world see themselves in the same way: to take care of the gifts the Creator has given them.

Speaking on behalf of the instructors at Northwest Community College, Rocque Berthiaume said Idle No More reminded him of the time in the 1980s when the government was working on the constitution and First Nations were left out until the people spoke up so parliament would listen.

“..When the people spoke up, the politicians had to listen,” he said.

Bill C-45, referred to as the omnibus bill, is a great big bill that wants to take a lot of power and rights away from the First Nations, he said.

The people are not getting the recognition they deserve and that’s what parliament has to hear, he said.

Lillian Moyer, who said she organized the Idle No More event in Telegraph Creek took the stage with a placard addressed to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

In 2005, when Shell wanted to drill in the Klappan, the people held a sit-in for nine months, she said.

“We did it to protect our land,” she said.

The people’s actions made the company back down and the politicaisn listen, but that was then.

“The way the government works today, they got no ears to hear what we have to say,” said Moyer.

Her arrests in 2005 and 2006 were for doing exactly what people are doing at the park this evening: standing up for their rights, she said, adding the people need to take their power back.

“…I strongly believe Idle No More has opened everyone’s eyes,” she said. “Young people have a lot of work ahead of you. Go for it.”


Terrace Standard