If the shoe fits

Babe the Quarter Horse/Percheron cross gets an equine’s manicure Saturday afternoon, with beveled shoes crafted by farrier Iain Ritchie.

Babe the Quarter Horse/Percheron cross gets an equine’s manicure Saturday afternoon, with a brand new set of beveled shoes crafted by farrier Iain Ritchie. The Western Canadian Farrier’s Association held a forging day out at Harlequin Stables on Yellowpoint Road to give members a chance to practise their trade and learn a few tricks from fellow farriers. Babe’s owner, Graham Payne, was on hand to hold the mare during the shoeing.

Babe the Quarter Horse/Percheron cross gets an equine’s manicure Saturday afternoon, with a brand new set of beveled shoes crafted by farrier Iain Ritchie. The Western Canadian Farrier’s Association held a forging day out at Harlequin Stables on Yellowpoint Road to give members a chance to practise their trade and learn a few tricks from fellow farriers. Babe’s owner, Graham Payne, was on hand to hold the mare during the shoeing.

Ladysmith Chronicle