IHA board members McGregor and Gillespie retiring

Interior Health expresses appreciation for the work of retiring board members Rosanna McGregor and David Gillespie.

  • Dec. 17, 2013 10:00 a.m.

Interior Health is expressing its appreciation to Rosanna McGregor and David Gillespie, who will be retiring from the board of directors when their appointments expire at the end of this month.

“On behalf of the board, I would like to acknowledge the commitment of my colleagues to the betterment of health services for patients within Interior Health,” says board chair Norman Embree. “It has been a pleasure to work with both of them.”

The board of directors functions as the governing body for Interior Health, providing oversight on the organization’s strategic direction to the senior executive team, which is responsible for day-to-day operations.

Board members are appointed by the Province of British Columbia.

“I was impressed by the passion for quality patient care that both Rosanna McGregor and David Gillespie brought to the board,” says Dr. Robert Halpenny, CEO and president of Interior Health. “They have always had the best interest of our patients at the forefront.”

McGregor, who is executive director of the Cariboo Friendship Society, was appointed to the Interior Health board in February 2006. As a Secwepemc woman and member of the Williams Lake Indian Band, she brought a unique perspective and passion about the provision of health care services for First Nations people.

“One of my main interests during my service on the board has been to ensure that Interior Health considers the needs of the Aboriginal population in a culturally sensitive and meaningful way,” says McGregor, who will also retire as chair of the IH Aboriginal Health and Wellness Advisory Committee.

“I am pleased to see that Interior Health has now signed letters of understanding with six First Nations in the region, and I applaud the dedicated group of employees who believe in the cause of Aboriginal health.”

Gillespie has served on the board since March 2008, having joined after retiring from his Kamloops law practice, and served as the chair of the governance committee earlier in his appointment. Also a former chair of the B.C. Automobile Association and current director for the B.C. Lottery Corporation, Gillespie says he is pleased to have been able to contribute to the enhancement of health services for Interior residents.

“Interior Health is the most important organization in the Interior dealing with people’s health. Everybody has a stake in how health care is provided,” says Gillespie. “I am proud of what Interior Health has accomplished in the last six years, and I look forward to seeing further advancements in the years to come.”

Interior Health’s board consists of nine directors appointed by the minister of health through a process established by the government’s board resourcing and development office.

New appointments to the Interior Health board are expected to be made in early 2014.


Williams Lake Tribune