Improve your pitch

Kids and teens interested in improving their pitching and batting skills can spend a week on the field at Carnarvon Park.

Children and teens interested in improving their pitching and batting skills can spend a week on the field at Carnarvon Park.

Throughout the summer, coaches from Last Raps Baseball Corp. are offering week-long baseball clinics for youth looking to better their skills. Two camps will take place in Oak Bay, with the first starting July 3.

The Vancouver-based company, consisting of coaches, alumni, and players from the University of B.C.’s baseball program, focuses on helping youth improve their skills and knowledge of the game.

“We’re not just training you how to play baseball, we’re training you how to act and how to be a ball player on the field,” said Fred Beitler, lead instructor of Last Raps Baseball Corp.

The clinics, which are open to youth aged eight to 18, teach proper pitching, hitting, outfield, infield, and base running, as well as warm-up techniques.

Skills are then applied in afternoon scrimmages.

The aim of the camp is to help kids feel comfortable in game-like environments through repeated practice, Beitler said.

“We also want the kids to be better athletes, so it’s transferrable to any sport that they go and participate (in).”

While all skill levels are welcome, it’s preferred that applicants have some baseball experience, such as playing in a league.

Camps at Carnarvon Park run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., July 3 to 6, and Aug. 13 to 16. Registration for the first camp will be open until the morning of July 3.

Players must have their own equipment and be properly clothed in baseball attire or sweat pants.

For more information or to register, see

Oak Bay News