People listen to a sermon delivered by a pastor from the back of a flatbed truck parked on Wellington Street in front of Parliament Hill as a protest against COVID-19 restrictions that has been marked by gridlock and the sound of truck horns continues into its second week, in Ottawa, on Sunday, Feb. 6, 2022. Sixty two per cent of Canadians oppose the Freedom Convoy protests, with 44 per cent saying they strongly object to them, according to a Leger poll. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

People listen to a sermon delivered by a pastor from the back of a flatbed truck parked on Wellington Street in front of Parliament Hill as a protest against COVID-19 restrictions that has been marked by gridlock and the sound of truck horns continues into its second week, in Ottawa, on Sunday, Feb. 6, 2022. Sixty two per cent of Canadians oppose the Freedom Convoy protests, with 44 per cent saying they strongly object to them, according to a Leger poll. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

In B.C. 64% want an end to convoy protests: poll

Only 14 per cent of British Columbians support the convoys and their tactics

A new poll has found that 56 per cent of Canadians do not support the ongoing convoy protests against COVID-19 health measures.

The survey, conducted by Maru Public Opinion, found only 20 per cent of those surveyed support the protesters and their methods. A further 24 per cent say they support the idea of the protest, but don’t agree with the tactics used.

In B.C., support for the convoy is at its lowest — only 14 per cent support the convoys whereas 64 per cent are against them.

These findings come as authorities across the country grapple with ways to deal with the disruptive protests. Ottawa remains occupied by the initial convoy, now stretching into its third week. Meanwhile, convoys have blocked the Coutts border crossing in Southern Alberta and the Ambassador Bridge that connects Windsor, Ontario to Detroit.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford declared a state of emergency and threatened fines as high as $100,000 or up to a year in jail for anyone taking part in the Ambassador Bridge blockade. An injunction is in place to remove the protesters and efforts to clear the bridge are ongoing.

READ MORE: Police in Windsor start to push protesters from bridge as demonstrations continue

The survey also found that 64 per cent of Canadians view the convoy protests as a threat to democracy and the same number believe the military should be used in a support role to clear out trucks with heavy tow vehicles.

When it comes to laying blame for the protests, 46 per cent blame the protesters themselves, 31 per cent blame Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, 16 per cent blame ‘others’ and just seven per cent lay blame at the feet of the federal Conservative Party.

More than half of Canadians believe Trudeau has looked weak in the face of the protests and 44 per cent believe he has inflamed the situation. Just 29 per centof Canadians think the Prime Minister has acted like a prime minister should in the face of the protest.

For much of the protests, Trudeau has been out of sight. In the early days, he was at home in self-isolation after his child became infected with COVID-19, he later contracted the virus himself. During his public appearances, he has called the protesters a “small fringe minority with unacceptable views”, which has since become a rallying cry for protesters.

READ MORE: More trucks out of Ottawa’s core, as calls grow for end to border blockades

On Friday (Feb. 11), Trudeau had a phone call with U.S. President Joe Biden to discuss the ongoing impacts of the convoys and blockades. Trudeau said all options are on the table to deal with the protests, but did not provide specific details about how that would be done.

As Canadians wait for action from the government, 66 per cent believe those aiding and abetting drivers should face jail time, 58 per cent believe drivers should face fines and jail time, 54 per cent would immediately cause the forfeiture of their vehicle so that it may be impounded and sold if they are convicted of an offence, 52 per cent would suspend commercial licenses and 48 per cent would suspend personal drivers’ licenses.

Maru Public Opinion’s poll Feb. 9 and 10, 2022 among a random selection of 1,506 Canadian adults who are Maru Voice Canada panellists and is accurate within +/- 2.5 per cent, 19 times out of 20.


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