Volunteers clear out debris on village central clean-up day. (Photo courtesy, Gold River Economic Development)

Volunteers clear out debris on village central clean-up day. (Photo courtesy, Gold River Economic Development)

In Gold River, volunteers step up to clean and support downtown revitalization project

A community effort, residents from all age groups turn up when help is required to clear the area where the project is underway

  • Jul. 24, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Volunteers have invested in cleaning an area in Gold River designated to build a central attraction hub.

The ‘village-central clean-up’ day is organized at regular intervals to clear out debris left behind from clearing the space for the ‘downtown core revitalization’ project.

Earlier in June, after receiving a grant from Island Coastal Economic Trust, Gold Rivers’ Economic Development Committee (EDC) had announced its plan to build a wooden kiosk that will highlight tourist attractions in the village.

READ MORE : Gold River to develop a central attraction hub

As part of project, removal of problem trees, rejuvenation of garden area, additional seating and installation of info boards for residents and tourists are underway.

“The goal is to make it a welcoming place for visitors,” said councillor Rachel Stratton who is also on the EDC.

A community effort, Stratton said that seniors, young adults,teenagers the ambulance people and people from the Chamber of Commerce have dropped in to help clean-up. The EDC posts on social media and lets volunteers know when help is required.

The village of Gold River undertook the downtown core revitalization project after residents voiced the need to make the village plaza “better looking.” Stratton said that residents have been very excited about the project and are taking the beautification process of the village very seriously.

“We want to have community engagement and ownership,” said Stratton and added that these efforts makes the project go faster.

The next clean-up event will be held on July 26, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Campbell River Mirror