Saanich Police responded to traffic incident Wednesday morning near the intersection of Patricia Bay Highway and Claremont Avenue.

Saanich Police responded to traffic incident Wednesday morning near the intersection of Patricia Bay Highway and Claremont Avenue.

Incident snarls traffic into Saanich

Intersection of Patricia Bay Highway and Claremont Avenue has a history of incidents.

  • Sep. 27, 2017 7:00 a.m.


A traffic incident Wednesday morning delayed commuters heading into Saanich and places beyond.

The cause of the incident appears unknown, but a video shows emergency crews including the Saanich Fire Department and Saanich Police near the intersection of the Patricia Bay Highway and Claremont Avenue.

The intersection has a history of incidents.

Traffic moved slowly for about 15 minutes, but resumed just after 8 a.m.

The Saanich News contacted Saanich Police for additional information.

Saanich News