Increased activity for Spatsum Creek wildfire

A human-caused brushfire started on Apr. 27 had grown to 240 hectares by May 6.

Above seasonal weather conditions earlier this week have increased fire behaviour on the Spatsum Creek wildfire 10 km south of Ashcroft. By Tuesday it was estimated at 240 hectares in size.

The fire spread two km during Monday’s afternoon heat. Crews, helicopters and airtankers worked hard into the evening.

Sixty fire fighters, three helicopters and airtankers were fighting the fire by Tuesday, building control lines around the perimeter. Smoke from the fire was, and will continue to be, visible throughout the B.C. Interior.

The Spatsum Creek wildfire started on April 27. Last week crews created hand-guards where it was safe to do so; however, this wildfire is burning in some challenging steep and rocky terrain. With high temperatures and low relative humidity, the fire passed a threshold late Sunday afternoon and additional personnel responded.

Please report all wildfires toll-free at 1-800-663-5555.


Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal