The fires in Okanagan Mountain Park continue to burn. - Kathy Michaels/Capital News

The fires in Okanagan Mountain Park continue to burn. - Kathy Michaels/Capital News

Increased fire activity at Okanagan Mountain Park

The Goode's Creek wildfire remains out of control and is still pegged at 1,370 hectares.

  • Aug. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The Goode’s Creek wildfire in Okanagan Mountain Park is lighting up the night sky.

The blaze continues to burn out-of-control across an estimated 1,370 hectares — more than double the size it was last week—

and is not responding to fire supression efforts.

“We will see winds remain light over the next few days and temperatures will decrease,” read BC Wildfire’s latest update on the fire. “However, with instability in the forecast, be prepared for some gusty conditions at times.”

BC Wildfire noted that even though fires within the complex seem inactive, resources are being downsized and some fire equipment is getting demobilized, these fires will still produce smoke.

The perimeters of these wildfires are being mopped-up and any smoke that does appear will be from fuels burning well within the middle.

Challenges do persist and ground crews continue to work in extreme temperatures with no shade. The steep and rocky terrain is proving to add an element of difficulty, which makes traveling by foot a slow and tedious process.


They also struggled with human interference.

“The BC Wildfire Service response to the wildfires near Kelowna is being impacted by boaters on Okanagan Lake. Stay clear of helicopters and skimmers. It is dangerous and hazardous to boaters and our staff when boaters get too close,” BC Wildfire Service said in an update on their website

“It stops us from doing our job and puts your communities at risk. The lake is large enough to accommodate our air operations and weekend fun. Support our crews by staying clear of wildfire response operations.”

The fire was discovered July 17 after a lightning storm.

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