Langley School District issued an alert on Thursday, Oct. 1, 2020 that an individual who was at Gordon Greenwood Elementary tested positive for COVID-19. (Google photo)

Langley School District issued an alert on Thursday, Oct. 1, 2020 that an individual who was at Gordon Greenwood Elementary tested positive for COVID-19. (Google photo)

Individual at Langley school tests positive for COVID-19, district reports

Alert issued for Gordon Greenwood Elementary

  • Oct. 2, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The local school district has reported an individual who tested positive for COVID-19 attended a Langley elementary school.

Just after 9 p.m. on Thursday the Langley School District shared letters from Gord Stewart, superintendent of schools, and the Fraser Health Authority to notify the community that an individual who was at Gordon Greenwood Elementary (9175 206 St.) has tested positive for COVID-19.

“This notice does not mean that your child has been exposed to COVID-19, Stewart wrote. “This early notification letter is an alert that someone within the school community has tested positive for COVID-19 and if there was any increased risk to your child, you would be contacted directly by Fraser Health.”

The test positive individual was at the elementary school on September 29, 30 and October 1, according to Fraser Health.

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The health authority said the case has been isolated and “there is no direct exposure risk at this time.” They advise students and staff to continue attending school.

Contract tracing has been initiated to identify any staff and students that need to self-isolate or self-monitor for symptoms, Public Health said.

Should any individuals need to self-isolate or self-monitor they will be contacted by the health authority. Those who have not been directly exposed will not be contacted.

“For privacy reasons, we cannot give out any specific details on the COVID-19 exposure other than the information provided [in our letter],” Fraser Health said.

Stewart said the district aims to be transparent about COVID-19 exposures.

“Our district is committed to transparency and we will continue to notify our school community of COVID-19 exposures at our schools as soon as public health informs us,” he said.

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Langley Advance Times