There is a new view on Second Avenue now, where the Arrowview Hotel used to be. As of March 20, 2020, the hotel has been demolished. (DAVID HOOPER/ Special to the AV News)

There is a new view on Second Avenue now, where the Arrowview Hotel used to be. As of March 20, 2020, the hotel has been demolished. (DAVID HOOPER/ Special to the AV News)

Infamous Arrowview Hotel is gone, opening up a new view in Port Alberni

Derelict hotel has had a dubious history in the past few years, from fire to demolition delays

  • Apr. 4, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The view on Second Avenue near Kingsway Avenue in Port Alberni is looking a little different these days.

After years of wrangling, multiple ownership changes and countless delays, the derelict Arrowview Hotel is finally gone.

READ: Arrowview Hotel demolition making progress

Stan Pottie and his crew from DJ Excavating in Nanoose Bay brought the Arrowview down to street level in March, which was what the City of Port Alberni required. Then Pottie took it further, dismantling the building right to the ground on March 19, 2020.

David Hooper caught the last two days of the building’s existence in photographs: one on March 19, 2020 with half the bottom floor gone, and another the next day with the building gone.

There still remains a pile of construction materials inside a fenced-off area of Second Avenue on Athol Street, but the view has opened up.

Pottie has said in the past that he would like to build a condominium block with a mix of commercial, retail and residential units on the land.

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