Owner Stephanie Fleming tried to create a space for people to express themselves. (Soranne Floarea/The Free Press)

Infinitea T-Bar: The end of an era

Celebrating eight years of business, Infinitea is going out with a bang this November

  • Nov. 12, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Fernie’s Infinitea T-Bar, a place for jam nights and coffees, Sunday roasts and craft tea cocktails, is celebrating their last month of business this November.

What started as an alternative venue for music, art, and drinks on Nov. 28, 2012 will be coming full circle as it closes its doors exactly eight years later on Nov. 28, 2020.

“Infinitea started out as an idea for me, but the way it evolved over the years, it became something outside of me,” said owner, Stephanie Fleming.

“It was really cool to see the people that have grown from this, that have had opportunities to create things for themselves.”

While at first glance Infinitea might have seemed like just another cafe, to many artists it was where they played their first show, or hung their first piece of art.

“What I was trying to do was create a space for people to be able to express themselves, achieve their creative goals and do the things they’ve always been thinking about,” said Fleming.

Always offering budding artists an open door, over 500 musicians have graced Infinitea’s stage in the last eight years.

“People need a place to get their start. I’ve always had that philosophy for Infinitea; give everyone a chance, say yes to everyone who is trying to create something.”

Among DJs and tarot card readings, open mic nights and Thanksgiving dinners, Infinitea meant something different to everyone. While some remember it as the location of their first date, others ducked into the bar to escape the crowds, lose themselves in a book, or listen to their friends play music.

With red velvet seats, ornate wallpaper and mosaics made of chipped tea pots, Infinitea will surely be remembered as a place locals could meet, slow down and surround themselves with a moment of magic.

“You feel like you belong, you feel like you’re part of something. And that’s what the idea was, a place where all the misfits, all the pieces that don’t really fit can come together in this crazy mismatched environment and feel at home.”

Backed by unyielding community support, Fleming is leaving Infinitea behind with gratitude for everything it has become, and everyone it has touched.

“For me, ending at the end of November makes sense because it means that we can end on a high.”

Wrapping up their last few weeks, Infinitea is hosting a number of exciting events including an Amateur Local Ladies Comedy Night, more tarot card readings, and a series of jam nights featuring some of the venue’s original artists.

“We’re going to give people as much Infinitea as we can for this last month,” said Fleming, who is encouraging guests to show up in groups of six to allow as many people as possible enjoy their final days.

Throughout this month, Fleming will also be offering an Infinitea Wholesale Menu, where the community is invited to buy Infinitea’s food in bulk, including their secret chai concentrate, meat loafs, cheesecakes, teas and more.

Though Fleming has found peace in closing this chapter, she hopes to keep Infinitea’s spirit alive in the future, trusting the process and looking forward to what is to come.

To stay up to date with events and announcements, head to Infinitea’s Facebook page.

Fernie Free Press