Info needed on poached moose

Public assistance is requested after the discovery of the remains of a moose on the Westside on Bear Main logging road.

A poaching investigation is underway with discovery of the remains of a moose adjacent to the Bear Main Forest Service Road near Whiterocks Main Monday in West Kelowna.

Conservation officer Ed Seitz said the animal’s remains were found 50 to 60 metres off the logging road, by someone who saw the birds circling above, but it was impossible to tell the age or sex of the moose at this point.

Only the hind quarters had been removed from the carcass and someone had littered the area with plastic bags that had held rope.

Seitz said he suspects it was shot between March 17 and 23, so if you were in the area during that time and saw anything that could be helpful in the investigation, call him at the toll-free Report All Poachers and Polluters number at: 1-877-952-7277.

The carcass was found about 18.5 km up Bear Main from Westside Road. There’s no winter or spring open season for hunting moose.

He asked that if any First Nations person shot the animal, he would also appreciate a call, so he doesn’t waste time investigating further.



Kelowna Capital News