Infrastructure work along Dunsmuir Avenue in Cumberland has started

Critical work in the village of Cumberland to replace underground infrastructure along Dunsmuir Avenue has started.

The work, which is a key part of village council’s strategic priorities and will result in improved roadways and sidewalks in the community, will continue through to the end of October.

“We’re thrilled to see this important work begin,” said Mayor Leslie Baird. “Upgrades on Dunsmuir and Cumberland Road are vital to the continued health of our community and we’ve been able to secure funds from outside sources to cover 85 per cent of the cost.”

The Dunsmuir Avenue work will include the replacement of underground water and sewer pipes, repaving of the road surface and improved sidewalk structures. Construction will begin at Seventh Street and will work up to Second Street, with the goal of completing the work by end of October. Work will also occur in the laneway between Dunsmuir and Penrith.

While the summer roadwork will at times be disruptive, staff and council are committed to easing the challenges by ensuring the community – both in the village and across the Comox Valley – are informed of the work progress.

To keep informed of the project progress, visit, follow @villageupgrades on Facebook or Twitter, or email to be added to the news bulletin email list.


Comox Valley Record