Input from business owners sought

Cranbrook business people are invited to take part in a survey about the challenges of doing business here

Past, present and future business owners in Cranbrook are being asked to take part in an online survey.

The Cranbrook and District Chamber of Commerce has put out the survey so it can get a clear picture of the challenges and advantages of doing business in Cranbrook.

“The goal is to really get a solid picture of the business climate and what we can do to improve it,” said Dave Butler, a director on the Chamber’s board.

Those who are in business, who have been in business, and who are starting a business here are being asked to provide their input.

“We are really trying to get a sense from people what the business climate is like in Cranbrook,” said Butler. “We ask some questions about the kinds of solutions that they think would be implemented to help improve that business climate.”

The survey came about after Mayor Wayne Stetski asked the Chamber to tell council what is and isn’t working for local businesses.

“We decided to undertake this survey to get as many businesses as we could responding so we could get our finger on the pulse as to what people are feeling,” said Butler.

Once the survey period is up, the Chamber board will analyze the data and provide a report to the city and to Chamber members.

“We will be very, very transparent about the results,” said Butler.

The Chamber hopes to have 500 business owners participate in the survey, which would represent one third of the business licenses that have been issued by the City of Cranbrook.

“We think if we can get a third, that will be a really good cross section of the business community and it will give us a really good sense of how people are feeling,” said Butler.

The survey can be found online at Responses will be accepted up to 4:30 p.m. on October 26.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman