Input sought for Ogden Point

Ogden Point is changing and the Greater Victoria Harbour Authority wants public input on what the area could look like in the future.

Ogden Point is changing and the Greater Victoria Harbour Authority wants public input on what the area could look like in the future.

The survey, launched last Monday, allows people to provide feedback on what they want the nearly nine hectares of land and seabed to look like, including the four berths, breakwater, warehouse, staging area, helicopter terminal and other commercial buildings.

Harbour authority CEO Ian Robertson said they’ve had numerous responses so far such as continuing to support crews, making it more inviting for residents 12 months of the year, and a request for park space.

Some of Robertson’s personal ideas potentially include revitalizing the warehouse and turning it into a market similar to Granville Island in Vancouver or Pike Place in Seattle with a performance hall or community space.

“Anything that we can do to make Ogden Point more inviting for residents of Greater Victoria to come down to 12 months of the year, I think that’s the key,” said Robertson, adding they’ve added a number of events, including the farmers market, free movie nights and Bard on the Barge to encourage residents to visit.

“I think a lot of them see it as a cruise ship terminal and an empty parking lot and quite frankly it is. We can do a lot more with that and that’s what this master plan will help us decide.”

There will also be an information kiosk stationed at Ogden Point beginning Sept. 13, inviting people to come down and provide feedback. Workshops and open houses are also scheduled between now and November.

Feedback will be collected from residents and stakeholders until the end of November; re-zoning applications will be done through summer 2016. The harbour authority will look for council approval in spring 2017.

Public consultation is phase three of the harbour authority’s plan to create a master plan for the area that is expected to be competed by December 2016.

To take the survey, go to



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