File photo Sicamous residents view the three options for the replacement of the Bruhn Bridge presented at the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure open house in November 2016.

File photo Sicamous residents view the three options for the replacement of the Bruhn Bridge presented at the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure open house in November 2016.

Input wanted for Bruhn Bridge replacement

Ministry of Transportation to host public open house at Sicamous rec centre on Feb. 1

Sicamous residents will have an opportunity to learn how the Bruhn Bridge replacement project is progressing at an upcoming open house.

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is hosting a public information session on Thursday, Feb. 1, from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Sicamous and District Recreation Centre. Anyone wanting more information about the project is welcome to attend and provide feedback. An online feedback form will also be available as of Feb. 1.

The ministry says the intent of the open house is to build on the public feedback received at an open house held in November 2016, along with technical work and input from local government and First Nations.

The ministry says the project is in the preliminary design phase, with two bridge-replacement options on the table.

“The open house will seek input from the public on these two options,” states a MOTI news release. “This input will help inform the ministry before it selects one of the two options to construct.”

At the Nov. 2016 open house, the ministry presented three options for the replacement of the Bruhn Bridge. They included: Option 1 – a new six-lane bridge on Highway 1; Option 2 – a new five-lane bridge on Highway 1; and Option 3 – a new four-lane bridge on Highway 1 with an additional Main Street Bridge. According to public input, Option 2 received the most public support, followed by options 1 and 3. MOTI staff told Sicamous council in September 2017 that Option 1 was no longer under consideration, and that preliminary design work was underway on the remaining two options.

Following the Feb. 1 open house, MOTI says it will continue to accept public input, either by the online form or email, until Feb. 18, and a summary report detailing all the submitted comments and feedback will be posted to ministry’s website.

Eagle Valley News