Instagram duo visit Big White

Instagram duo visit Big White

Mark and his German shepherd Mya experienced Big White this weekend

Big White was visited by a well-known furry and her Australian companion this weekend.

Instagram stars Mark and his white German shepherd Mya spent time at Big White, enjoying outdoor activities together.

Mark, 33, and Mya are on a year-long road trip, hitting up various ski hills in Canada before taking a trip to the USA. Mark’s Instagram page mark_and_myas_adventures has more than 16,000 followers.

The Australian started the social media accounts in May with a few goals in mind, to inform people about pet travel and to broadcast back home what it’s like to live with a pet in North America.

Mark said Mya had her first ever gondola ride Friday.

“People love it from what we do together,” he said.

Mya also picked up a pet pass before the pair did a run on the ski hill together.

“It was fantastic because we were able to do it together,” he said, as dogs are allowed on a particular run. In Australia, the rules are stricter with pets, he said.

The pair arrived in Canada Nov. 15 and will be living in Revelstoke for the winter, completing a backcountry safety course before a road trip to see other parts of the country.

Mark said he couldn’t go overseas for 12 months and leave his dog.

“I chose to get her, I chose to make her my family so I’m responsible for her,” he said. “And it wouldn’t be responsible of me to leave.”

The adventurous duo is travelling to different ski resorts, stopping in Sun Peaks tomorrow night, before heading back to Revelstoke.

They have done numerous activities together, including: snowshoeing, biking, skiing and snowboarding.

Follow Mark and Mya online through Facebook and Instagram.


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