This map shows remaining boil water advisories on the outskirts of Grand Forks’ city limits. Map:

Interior Health Authority lifts water advisory for Grand Forks’ Carson Road area

IH posted boil water advisories across much of the Kootenay-Boundary last Thursday

  • Aug. 16, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Carson Road area is no longer on a boil water advisory, according to the Grand Forks Irrigation District and the Interior Health Authority (IH).

District manager Murray Knox said IH rescinded the advisory at around 8:30 a.m. Monday, Aug 16, roughly 72 hours after the advisory went up.

READ MORE: Interior Health issues boil water advisories near Grand Forks, West Boundary

A water sample from the district’s “Big-Y” system, which supplies all of Carson Road, its side-roads and nearby Canmore and Kenmore Roads, tested positive for coliform bacteria last Thursday, Aug. 12. Commonly found in soil, total coliform levels are used to gauge water quality. But it is important to note that last Thursday’s and subsequent tests at Big Y came back negative for the harmful coliform bacterium known as E. coli.

A boil water advisory remains in effect for the district’s system in the Nursery Road area and for non-district systems along parts of the Kettle River, according to IH’s website,

Affected residents are advised to boil their drinking water for at least one minute, according to IH.

No water advisories were put in place for the City of Grand Forks’ water system.

The Gazette has not been able to reach IH for comment as of noon Monday.


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Grand Forks Gazette