As of Sept. 3, The Interior News print edition will be a Thursday paper.

As of Sept. 3, The Interior News print edition will be a Thursday paper.

Interior News print edition moves to Thursday

The move is a result of internal changes to press and delivery schedules

  • Aug. 24, 2020 12:00 a.m.

As of next week, The Interior News print edition will be a Thursday paper.

This move comes as a result of internal changes in press and delivery schedules.

Although the newspaper has come out on Wednesdays for many years, editor Thom Barker thinks Thursday is a better fit for the news.

“Going to press Monday morning has never been ideal,” he said. “It made it very difficult for us to follow up on weekend stories and be as timely as possible in our print edition. I like the change.”

The first issue to bear a Thursday date will be Sept. 3, 2020.


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