Interlakes Economic Association busy with meetings, logo contest

The IEA is also holding a logo competition with a $200 prize

The Interlakes Economic Association (IEA) is looking into incorporation for the “Interlakes,” and has requested an independent review in this matter, after IEA board members and Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett met with Community, Sport and Cultural Development Minister Coralee Oakes on Jan. 22.

Interested residents will get follow-up information by attending IEA board meetings at 7 p.m. on March 2 at Sheridan Market, and April 13 at Interlakes Hall.

The IEA is also holding a logo competition with a $200 prize. The logo should recognize our cowboy heritage, the 25th anniversary of the Interlakes BCRA Rodeo, and the 50th anniversary of the Canadian flag.

Entries may be hand-drawn or digital and should be submitted by Feb. 28, to The chosen logo will become the IEA’s official 2015 logo.

Time to register

Kindergarten registration for September 2015 is now ongoing at Bridge Lake Elementary School.

Children who will turn five years old by Dec. 31 are eligible and a birth certificate or proof of age must be provided.

Booklet advertising

Bridge Lake Fair booklet advertising is now underway.

Business card ads cost $15; quarter page, $25; half page, $50; and a whole page is $90. Anyone wishing to place a new ad should contact this writer as soon as possible. Previous advertisers will be contacted.


Birthday bubbly goes to Johann Miller, Natalie McCaw, Alice Rickenbacher, Greta Rickenbacher, and with added caviar, for Paul Desaulniers who turns 70 on Feb. 10.

Three huge balloons go to Jackson Hayman.


Call the writer for contact numbers.

• Ice-Fishing derby, Deka Lake: dawn to 2 p.m., Feb. 7 at Access #12. Tickets ($6) are available at Interlakes Market, Sheridan Market and the Forsters at 6499 Mahood Lake Rd., or at the weigh-in.

• Outhouse Races starting 11a.m., Feb. 8 at Interlakes Corner. Competitors should pre-register at The Country Pedlar at 10am. There is no registration fee. Teams require three people, not four.

• Deka Ladies Auxiliary meets 10.30 a.m., Feb. 11 at Deka Fire Hall. New members are always welcome.

• Interlakes Snowmobile Club meets 7 p.m., Feb. 11 at 6069 Horse Lake Rd.


100 Mile House Free Press