George Roman has created a website,, in his bid to win the seat on City Council vacated by the late Dave Hall.

George Roman has created a website,, in his bid to win the seat on City Council vacated by the late Dave Hall.

Investment advisor aims to become Langley City’s newest councillor

George Roman hopes to win the seat vacated by the late Dave Hall.

Another person has thrown his hat in the ring in the bid to become the newest City Council member, following the resignation of the late Dave Hall.

George Roman joins Nathan Pachal, former Langley-area MLA Carol Gran, Township councillor Mel Kositsky, and City business owner Sharon Newbery as hopefuls vying for the seat vacated by Hall, who resigned in late November due to health reasons.

Hall served on City council for the past seven years. Previous to that he served nine years on the Langley School Board. He died from cancer Jan. 4.

An investment advisor, Roman is active locally.

He’s a current member of the Advisory Planning Commission as well as the Canadian Pacific Railway Community Advisory Panel, and a former member of the Public Safety Advisory Committee, the Recreation, Culture and Public Art Advisory Committee, and the Youth Council.

Roman also volunteers with Langley’s annual Christmas parade as well as the City’s yearly Community Day event.

He lists his priorities as:

• improving public safety;

• revitalizing Langley’s downtown core; increasing transportation options for citizens;

• providing a property tax exemption to Langley Food Bank, support tax exemptions for non-profit organizations, charities and churches that contribute to the well being of residents;

• working with Canadian Pacific Railway to reduce traffic delays and avoid accidents;

• creating a business friendly environment “to help businesses succeed”;

• and caring for the environment by adopting more green policies.

Roman has created a website designed specifically for his bid, called

Click here to connect to the site.


Langley Advance