A proposal to renovate Mission Municipal Hall has some councillors wondering if a new building should be constructed.

A proposal to renovate Mission Municipal Hall has some councillors wondering if a new building should be constructed.

Is it time to build a new city hall?

A renovation project for Mission Municipal Hall has some councillors calling for an entirely new building.

A renovation project for Mission Municipal Hall has some councillors calling for an entirely new building.

Staff presented council with its plan to revise the current floor plan and eliminate many of the interior walls, in order to create more floor space for 10 additional work stations.

However, Coun. Carol Hamilton noted renovations may be a short-term solution.

“We need to have a bigger conversation, sooner than later, about replacing city hall because the working conditions here are not good.”

Other councillors agreed.

Jenny Stevens said she has been asking about an elevator for the building since 1995.

“There are stairs everywhere. I’m not the only one around on a walker.”

Pam Alexis called the building “limiting,” while Jim Hinds noted they’ve been talking about “revamping” the building for two decades.

“We are at a point where we can’t really revamp much more. Staff is going to try and squeeze a few more feet out of a building that has outgrown its use,” said Hinds.

No decision was made to pursue a new building plan.

The renovations should cost approximately $216,000, which was already budgeted to create a modular office building on the lawn behind municipal hall. That proposal has been scrapped in favour of the renovations.

In 2003, the annex portion of municipal hall was constructed, to alleviate overcrowding at that time.


Mission City Record