The District of Sooke has announced plans for reconstruction and rehabilitation of the town’s roadway system, including a portion of Pyrite Drive, from Grant Road to Talc Place. (Kevin Laird – Sooke News Mirror)

The District of Sooke has announced plans for reconstruction and rehabilitation of the town’s roadway system, including a portion of Pyrite Drive, from Grant Road to Talc Place. (Kevin Laird – Sooke News Mirror)

Is your local intersection or road slated for improvements?

Sooke's $3.4-million road improvement program heads into third year

The District of Sooke has announced plans for reconstruction and rehabilitation of the town’s roadway system.

Under the district’s five-year road improvement program, this year the plan consists of two kilometres of pavement improvements, including:

• Grant Road from Winfield Drive to Gatewood Road

• Pyrite Drive from Grant Road to Talc Place

• Opal Place

• Cinnabar Place

• Otter Point Road – from Rhodonite Drive to Eakin Drive

• Eustace Road from Gatewood Road to Sheilds Road

Most of the work involves pavement cleaning followed by overlay paving with granular shouldering on both sides of the road.

On Monday, the council awarded Capital City Paving a $582,200 contract for this year’s work. A total of $700,000 was budgeted for the project in 2020.

The $3.4-million program began in 2018 after a consultant reported that 23 per cent of Sooke roads were rated as poor to fail. Road sections were rated for roughness, cracking, rutting, raveling and patching.

District staff proposed a five-year road improvement plan which would see repair work on deteriorating roads and provide regular maintenance.

“The work is predicated on the fact that if we do strategic investments on our pavement before the base of our road network is destroyed, we actually provide longevity for our system,” said Norm McInnis, the district’s chief administrative officer.

Several members of the council questioned if the district was using all the money budgeted for the program this year, if funds could be allocated to other projects such as sidewalks or other roads not included in the programs.

McInnis said depending on the size of the surplus, staff will propose a smaller additional program to address either “localized failures,” or segments of road recommended for future years of the program.

ALSO READ: Sooke council eyes road improvement program

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