Craigdarroch Care Home has put in place enhanced control measures after Island Health declared a COVID-19 outbreak. (Google Earth)

Island Health declares outbreak at second Victoria long-term care home

Most residents vaccinated, which should limit spread, severity of illness

  • Apr. 23, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Island Health has declared a COVID-19 outbreak at Craigdarroch Care Home in Victoria. Two staff members tested positive for COVID-19 and no residents are experiencing symptoms. Both staff members are self-isolating at home.

Craigdarroch, a long-term care home owned and operated by Trillium, has put in place enhanced control measures. Island Health is working with staff to identify anyone who may have been exposed and is taking steps to protect the health of residents and staff. Residents, families and staff are being notified.

READ ALSO: Island Health declares outbreak at Victoria long-term care home

Provincial data shows that all of the home’s residents had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose by mid February.

Admissions and transfers at the 16-residence home will be restricted while the outbreak is in effect and social visitors are restricted for now. Resident movement in the facility is restricted.

Enhanced cleaning and infection control measures continue, including screening twice a day and COVID-19 testing.

Similar protocols are in place at the Mount St. Mary long-term care home in Victoria where Island Health declared a COVID-19 outbreak on April 21. In that instance, one staff member and one resident tested positive for the illness. The province’s most recent data shows that 193 of the home’s 201 residents (96 per cent) received at least one vaccine dose by mid February.

Andrew Leyne, an Island Health media relations advisor, said that no vaccine provides 100 per cent immunity – though Health Canada says all of the approved vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe outcomes from COVID-19.

Leyne added that they’ve seen vaccination reduce the severity of illness and the health authority expects the amount of future transmission will be decreased.

– With files from Jake Romphf

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