‘It was an attack on Canadian values’

Kelowna – Lake Country MP Stephen Fuhr was solemn as he spoke following a deadly attack on a Quebec mosque.

Stephen Fuhr

Stephen Fuhr

Kelowna – Lake Country MP Stephen Fuhr was solemn as he spoke to the Cap News following a deadly attack on a Quebec mosque.

“It is a tragedy. It is inexcusable and almost unimaginable in 21st century Canada. I offer condolences to the families involved and to the Muslim community in general,” said Fuhr.

“The Centre Culturel Islamique de Quebec feels the biggest impact of what happened, but this was an attack on Canadian values. Things like freedom of religion, inclusiveness and diversity are all under attack on bigger scale.”

The mosque shooting happened shortly before 5 p.m. on Sunday at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Quebec.

Six men were killed, while five others remain in hospital with injuries.

The man accused in the deadly shooting, 27-year-old Alexandre Bissonnette, has now been charged with six counts of first-degree murder and five counts of attempted murder while using a restricted firearm.

With the shooting just hours before, Fuhr reports that unlike most of his days on Ottawa, the House of Commons was entirely united on Monday.

“Everybody was very remorseful and ready to do what we can to help that community in Quebec,” said Fuhr.

“I’ve been in the House of Commons for a year and three months now, and there is only a couple of times I have seen the House so united, today was one of those times.”

Fuhr shared sympathy and support for members of the Kelowna Islamic Centre who said they are outraged over the mosque attack.

“While this happened in Quebec, the broader message is that Canadians stand behind and with Muslims across the country,” said Fuhr. “It doesn’t matter where they reside, that includes our mosque in Kelowna.”

Fuhr also calmed fears today for Canadians that hold a dual citizenship with countries that were barred entry to the United States by President Donald Trump on Friday.

Fuhr confirmed that Canadian permanent residents with a valid permanent resident card and a passport from the seven countries identified in the executive order can still enter the U.S.

“The message from the government is one of unity,” said Fuhr.

“This was an attack on Canadian values. Especially in light of what is going on in the world, going on south of the border, these values are ones Canadians hold high, they are important values for us. We stand united.”

Kelowna Capital News