Items, money stolen from Belmont portables

Five portable classrooms were broken into at Belmont secondary school sometime over the weekend.

Five portable classrooms were broken into at Belmont secondary school sometime over the weekend, with a number of items stolen or damaged.

Those responsible entered the classrooms through the doors, which were damaged in the process.

A laptop monitor was smashed in one of the classrooms, while an iPad, a laptop, some DVDs and about $80 in cash.

“The damage to the property and the theft of the items impacts our teachers, our students and forces the school district to use funds to pay for repairs and replacements,” Cst. Kathy Rochlitz said.

The portables were previously broken into about one year ago and a number of iPads were stolen.

West Shore RCMP are asking anyone with any information on the break-ins to call the detachment at 250-474-2264.

Victoria News