It’s a girl! New year’s Baby born in Fort St. James

Marie Aphrael Mounce is the first baby of 2016 to be born in Fort St. James.

  • Feb. 3, 2016 5:00 p.m.
Marie Aphrael Mounce at home with parents Kate-Nicola, father Brad and big brother Doran.

Marie Aphrael Mounce at home with parents Kate-Nicola, father Brad and big brother Doran.

Barbara Latkowski

Caledonia Courier

Marie Aphrael Mounce is the first baby of 2016 to be born in Fort St. James.

The baby girl was born at home on Jan. 25 at 7:07 a.m. weighing 9 pounds and 1 ounce.

“She was determined to come,” mother, Kate-Nicola Mounce said.

Marie was then transferred to Stuart Lake Hospital where mom and baby stayed two days.

Since being home, it’s been quite an adjustment for older brother, Doran.

The 4-year-old is happy to have mom and sis back home. “It’s been a big change for him,” Mounce said.

And father Brad Mounce is also thrilled with the newest addition to his family

The baby girl was a surprise to the couple since they withheld knowing the baby’s gender until birth.

“She was a surprise. It’s exciting and we are all doing really well, “Kate-Nicola said.

The Stewart Lake Hospital Ladies Auxiliary welcomed the New year’s baby with flowers and a gift basket.

“We are very excited to be able to present a gift and flowers to a family who’s baby was actually born in Fort St. James”, said president of the auxiliary, Julie-Ann Mortenson.

On Jan. 1, Lisa and Brad Van Koughnett, from Fort St. James welcomed their New year’s baby boy, Leo Eldon who was born in Vanderhoof at St. John Hospital.

The first baby born in the Northern Health region in 2016 is a girl. She was delivered at the University Hospital in Northern B.C. in Prince George at 1:25 a.m. on January 1.

The first baby born in British Columbia is a boy. He was delivered at Surrey Memorial Hospital at 12:15 a.m. on January 1 to a family from Fort Nelson.






Caledonia Courier