It’s a tie!

  • Apr. 18, 2012 6:00 a.m.

Submitted by the HG Arts Council–The People’s Choice award, selected by gallery visitors to the 2012 All-Islands Art Show has just been announced, and votes were tied for two artists — Lorlee Parker of Queen Charlotte and Cori Savard of Skidegate.Cori was acknowledged for “Taawla”, her detailed Haida painting in black superimposed on a rainbow background.Lorelee’s large, collaged multi-media painting, “It’s A Greek”, shared the honour.Thanks to the 84 artists who exhibited their work, to the Haida Gwaii Museum, to all who attended the show over the past month, to the adjudicator Reg Davidson, and to the sponsoring Haida Gwaii Arts Council.

Haida Gwaii Observer